Let me preface this by saying, in the scope of things, we know that our travel plans are so trivial during this time but we wanted to shed some light on how this virus has affected us personally.

Let me preface this by saying, in the scope of things, we know that our travel plans are so trivial during this time but we wanted to shed some light on how this virus has affected us personally.
If you’ve come here because you are planning a trip to Thailand and don’t really know where to begin, you’re in luck! When I planned my first trip to the Land of Smiles back in 2014, I too turned to the internet. I had never traveled internationally (minus Canada) let …
Alright, so I have been avoiding this post for a while, partly because I’ve been busy, but more so because I wasn’t ready to accept that part of our life is over (at least for now). But now that we have been home for almost 4 months and the number …
One of my biggest concerns prior to leaving for Southeast Asia was that something would go horribly wrong. A ridiculous amount of scenarios went through my head, many of which kept me laying awake at night wondering if we were making an awful decision. What if we got bit by …
Have you ever had the unfortunate feeling of being super disappointed when you realize a destination isn’t everything you hoped it would be? Well, this was definitely not the case on our recent visit to Bar Harbor, Maine. When hurricane Florence threw a wrench in our plans to head to …
A lot of people wonder how a family of four, living off one income, can afford to leave everything behind and embark on an adventure around the world. I used to be one of those people, I thought that there would be no way we could make this happen. We …
Like many young families, we got sucked into the notion that once you have kids, you need to settle down. For us, this meant buying a house, start saving for retirement and putting all dreams of living abroad aside. Well we bought the house, started building up our savings but …